Make authentic marketing videos. Fast.

Introducing Easy Marketing Videos: A Stupidly Simple, AI Assisted Marketing Video Creation Platform

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Fastest Way To Make Authentic Marketing Videos (In 3 Easy Steps!)

Going full AI for your videos is not the best idea (because EVERYONE's doing it). 

Instead, let AI do the hard work and you record the video.

  • 1


    Tell us about the kind of video you want to create for your marketing efforts. Let us know your goals, target audience and what the video is all about.

  • 2


    Use our special recording interface to easily create your videos. Take your time to rehearse, experiment with different angles, and add your personal touch to make your videos stand out.

  • 3


    Download and publish your amazing marketing video anywhere. Share it on social media, embed it on your website, or use it in your email campaigns to captivate your audience and drive conversions.

Fastest and easiest way for you to make natural & authentic marketing videos

Nice Things People Say About Easy Marketing Videos

These are actual users, btw

"As a solo founder, Easy Marketing Videos has been a lifesaver. It's like having my own in-house video marketing team, without the overheads."
Sam Smith, Solo Founder
"From a marketer's perspective, Easy Marketing Videos is a dream come true. It's intuitive, efficient, and the results speak for themselves."
Jane Doe, Marketing Specialist
"I'm not one for the spotlight, but Easy Marketing Videos made it so easy to create professional-quality videos. It's boosted my confidence and my business."
Alex Lee, Shy Entrepreneur

The funniest things we've heard...

(about why people don't wanna make marketing videos)

  • "I'm not creative"

    It's cool. Neither are we. That's why we built Easy Marketing Videos to use AI to take care of that bit for you.

  • "I'm camera shy"

    Speaking from experience, this is the perfect way to practice getting better. (I did 365 videos in 365 days in 2019)

  • "I don't have time"

    The platform's designed to help you record good videos quickly, even on a tight schedule. 5 mins is all you need.

  • "I struggle with tech"

    Bruh... I mean... a marketer's using this... Sure, he has fabulous hair and a ridiculous dad bod, but still...

"Macha... I wish I had this when I was doing my daily video challenge!"

- Arvindh, when he got the first demo of the app.

We Have Answered Almost All Your Questions

But.. here's a few more...

Get started today

Good marketing videos will never be easier.

Why we made this.

Pretty much everyone we know - apart from the big YouTube creators - struggles to make good video content. There's just too many things to take care of and quite honestly - nobody's got time for that.


They take hours - HOURS - to ship a video.

So, they give up. Or... get stuck in a world of missed deadlines and burnout. 

Or, make videos that look like that weird cockroach guy from Men In Black (the first movie)

Essentially, most people struggle/suck at making good videos - and we want to fix that.

We wanna help you make high quality marketing videos easily and efficiently by removing the hardest parts. 

But... we didn't want to go the whole hog and get AI to do everything for you. Everyone and their uncle's gonna be doing that - and if you end up doing that too - you're fighting a losing battle.

Instead, by design, we want you want to keep your humanness (?) and authenticity - but make everything else super easy.

We're saying no to script writing, creative blocks, memorization - all the stuff that just gets in the way of what your video is supposed to do - sell a product or an idea.

And... that's why we made Easy Marketing Videos.

It's a stupidly simple marketing tool - and it's the first of many.

If you finally want to take the easy route to make good videos, sign up above, yea?

Team Infinite Lotus Alliance.

(That's Sanat, Arvindh & Nikhil)

Runs on Unicorn Platform